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Transport Facilities

Arrangement for transport is available for transporting students from various fixed areas to school and back through buses. Parents should apply for bus at the time of admission/promotion.

Bus fee payable along with School fee(12 months). One month notice is required to leave the bus facility otherwise fee of next months is payable.

Notice to leave the bus should be given in writing and if, left before the Summer Vacation then the request again after the vacations will not be considered and vacation fee is payable.

Computer Lab Facilities

While on campus, students can take advantage of the School wireless Internet network. Digital projectors, surround sound, and active white boards feed into equipment racks that enable presentation of all media types in the classroom.

Computer Lab is an extension of the classroom. Students practice the California Content Standards and skills that they are learning in the classroom using 21st century tools. Classes attend Computer Lab once a week.

Sports Facilities

Games are considered to be an integral part of the school curriculum and every encouragement must be offered to a student to take activity part in games. Games build character. The students may be required to stay after school for games and the parents will have to make arrangement to take them back.

The school provides facilities for various indoor and outdoor games.